Board Meeting Minutes for 2007

Board Meeting Minutes for January 24th 2007.

-Lions present were: Hahn, Chervinsky, Ackerman, Crawford, MacNeil, Fahning, Bassette, Norris, and Ruocco.
-There was a long discussion of delinquent dues. Because of previous resolutions, it was agreed that members who have not paid their dues by December 31st would be dropped from the club. Lion Secretary Norris will send out notices to the three members who have not paid their dues with the information that they can be reinstated within a six-month period if payment is made. Lion Ackerman noted that payment to LCI and 20N are due on July 1st and early February. It was noted that the July payment does not give the club much time to collect from our members. Because the club incurs significant cost paying for members who don't renew their membership the board considered different options to make the dues paying process more efficient. Lion Bassette read excerpts from our constitution and suggested we change when the billing goes out. Lion Hahn brought up the possibility of having the membership chairman taking a more active role in following up on delinquents. It was agreed that the constitution would be rewritten to reflect a more efficient dues collection procedure. The draft will be brought up at future meetings and voted on when we elect officers.
-It was announced that Mark Frenzel would join our club. His induction planned for the installation dinner. Lion Bassette will try to get LCI president to visit our club and do the ceremony.
-Lion President Hahn announced he is working on having the "Kids Picnic" hats donated this year.
-Treasurers report: welfare = $4664.64, General = $1681.67, AP = $804.04.
-Lion Bassette discussed the Melvin Jones and Uplinger nominations. A committee has been formed. -The meeting was adjourned at 9:55PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for February 28th 2007.

-Present for the Board Meeting were Lions: MacNeil, Bassette, Wixson, Crawford, Fahning, Ackerman, Norris, Ferrentino, Hahn and Chervinsky.
-The Board considered changes to the Grand Island Lions Constitution. The changes pertained to payment of Dues, notification methods to include Email and changing the pronoun "He" to "He/She". Dues payment centered around the fact that 20N and LCI requires us to pay club Dues by July 15th. Changes require member's payment due July 1st with bills going out by June 1st. In addition the changes give the Membership Chairman responsibility to contact delinquent members. Delinquent members would be dropped from the roles but could be reinstated with no penalty for up to six months. The motion passed unanimously.
- Lion President Hahn mentioned the state of our Canadian and American Flags. He has a new American Flag to donate to the club and Lion Crawford has a Canadian Flag. The poles may need some work. -Lion Hahn is working on hats for the Kids Picnic. He showed the board a design and hopes to get 250 donated from New Era Cap.
-The cost of $75 for the Blind and Charity Dinners was discussed. Lion Crawford said the Budget committee would find the funds for this.
-Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinsky


-Present for the Board Meeting were Lions Hahn, Ferrentino, LaVallee, LobI[Henry & Annette], Ackerman, Bassette, Doring, MacNeil, Fahning, Norris, and Dubiel[Diane|.
Meeting was called to order at 9:20 PM.
The Board voted upon and passed a motion to pay for dinners [$42.00 each] for Lion Norm and his wife at the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet. Our Lions Club is being recognized as the Service Organization of the Year. The event will be held Wednesday, April 25,2007 at the Grand Island Holiday Inn and Resort Center. Lion Norm encourages all members to attend, since this honor is being received and the dinner will be in lieu of our regular meeting.
The Board also voted upon and passed a motion to pay for seven tickets to the WNY Community Recognition Dinner, sponsored by Multiple District 20N. Cost is $25.00 per person, and the event is being Sunday, April 22,2007 at the Millenium Hotel on Walden Avenue. The seven tickets are for our three nominees, one guest for each nominee, and Lion Norm.
Regarding Nomination of Officers for 2007-2008, Lion Kathie will send notices of all proposed nominees to each member, with a request that they attend the April 15th Lions Meeting. A vote will be taken at that time. Results have to be submitted to District 20N shortly thereafter. To ensure good attendance, each Board member will also personally invite one other member to this meeting.
Regarding Constitutional changes, no vote was taken as a quorum of 23 members was not present. The Board discussed and voted to further amend the Constitution to reflect that changes can be made at any regular or special meeting of the Club, subject to a quorum vote. A quorum will constitute a majority of those in attendance, or who have submitted a proxy or absentee vote. Lion Kathie will send notices of the proposed changes to all members.
The Board unanimously voted to have our Club march/drive in the 4th of July Parade, to be held on Wednesday, July 4,2007. Lion Diane will coordinate members' commitment, and notify Linda Tufillaro[Grand Island Recreation Director] by June 20th.
Lion Norm noted that a form must be completed and returned to the Lions Blind & Charity Fund, so we can receive our check of approximately $1,000. He also will complete their form regarding our Club's activities, Loan Closet, etc.
The Board discussed the State Convention, to be held at Saratoga Springs in June, 2007. Lion Norm concluded that there may not be enough interest to send a delegate this year.
Lion Paul advised theBoard this year's theme for thePeace Poster Contest is "Peace Around the World". The Board approved a motion to pay for one kit at $7.95 + shipping and handling of about $3.00. Lion Marlaine will purchase the kit. Discussion of the awards followed. Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Diane Dubiel

Board Meeting Minutes for April 26th 2007

-Lion President Norm Hahn reported that, as per a conversation with Lion Dick Crawford, we have enough funds in the Welfare Account to fund all of our projects including $1000 to sponsor a Melvin Jones candidate. The sponsorship was previously approved by the board, pending funds available.
-Lion Paul Bassette reported that he and Lion Tom Witkowski performed MTI Photo Screening for 13 children at St. Stephens School on April 24th.
-Lion Dave Chervinsky reported that he and Lion Mike Steinagel participated in the Walk For Sight on April 21st.
-There were 19 Grand Island Lions that attended the Chamber of Commerce Dinner Honoring our Club.
-Lion Hahn reported that he has arranged for the donation of 200 free hats for this years Kids Picnic. The hats will be donated by the New Era Hat Company.
-Lion Diane Dubiel reported that over 300 people attended the Community Recognition Dinner. The Honorees included three community leaders nominated by our club.
-The recent Cabinet Meeting was discussed and a blood drive that will be held by UNYTS in Erie, Niagara and Wyoming Counties. The idea of our club having a blood drive on the Island was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting May 23rd 2007

In attendance: Lions Norm Hahn, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Al Ackerman, Kathie Norris,
Paul Bassette called International office to try to find a solution about our dilemma with getting a quorum to vote for the constitution changes that our club would like to implement. He found out that vote by proxy is not allowed, so it must be taken out of our proposal. In order to get enough members, of which we need 21, to ratify the amendments, it was proposed to have a ballot box at the Kid's Picnic on July 18th. This seems to be the only way we can get enough member to be present to accomplish this. The Board of Directors made a motion & approved to send notify all members at least 15 days before vote on constitution changes and that a ballot box will be available at the kids picnic. Kathie Norris suggested that since she will be mailing out the invoices for dues at the beginning of June anyway, that members can be notified at the same time and that a sample ballot will be enclosed. Installation Dinner will be June 13th at Buffalo Launch Club.
We had 4 winners for our scholarships out of 12 applications.
J.P. Wiles is the only member that has not paid dues, one more attempt to collect or he will be dropped from club.
Norm's final board meeting will be June 20th @ Knights of Columbus.
Couples Picnic will be July 21st at Judge Pritchard's.
Just a FYI: the Lions store that many of us went to in Canada is no longer there. So if you need get any Lions items or supplies you will now have to order directly from International website. They generally have a fast shipping timeframe.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Secy. Kathie Norris

Board Meeting Minutes for June 20th 2007

-Attending were Lions Hahn, Bassette, Dubiel Jerry, Dubiel Diane, Ferrentino, Crawford, Ackerman, LaVallee, Chervinsky and Fahning.
-Lion Outgoing President Hahn set up a committee for the couple’s picnic and scheduled a meeting for July 12th at 7PM at the K of C Hall.
-Lion Bassette reported that several widows of past Lions were inadvertently not invited to the induction dinner. He came up with a list of 15 widows who would be invited to the Couples Picnic and asked the board to consider the cost to the club. The board agreed to finance the widows for the couple’s picnic and would consider asking for payment from the widows after a report is issued by the Budget Committee. Lion Chervinsky will check past minutes for previous resolutions in this regard.
-Lion Hahn has tickets for the Lancaster Lions Steak Cookout scheduled for July 12th. Cost is $18.
-Lion Crawford reported that we will have to have more commitments to fundraisers or cut back on the projects funded that we have done in the past. Lion Chervinsky suggested we try to get better turnout for the white cane drive with possible two shifts per lion and inviting family and friends to help.
-Lion Ferrentino reported the Hot Dog Sale would be on July 31st at the Town Hall Square. A committee meeting was scheduled for July 12th at 7:30PM at the K of C Hall.
Lion Incoming President made a short statement and indicated she may change how some things are done.
-Lion D. Dubiel reported she has registered the club for the 4th of July Parade and told members we need to be in front of the Keller Agency by 8:30 AM for the event. Lion Fahning announced that she and Her Husband Bob will have their antique Fire Truck in the parade and invited anyone with Children or Grandchildren to join them on the truck.
-Lion D. Dubiel also discussed the sample ballot being considered for changes to the constitution. The last two points changing how votes and quorums are handled are set but LCI and it was decided by the board that the ballot would only address how we communicate to members (via e-mail) and gender changes in the wording to include he/she etc. Lion Bassette made a motion for these changes which passed.
-Lion Bassette asked the board about inviting the program developer of UNYTS to speak at one of our meetings and whether the lions would support a blood drive organized by UNYTS. Both ideas were looked at favorably.
Lion President Ferrentino scheduled summer board meetings for July 25th 7PM K of C Hall and August 22nd 7PM at Lion Dick Crawford’s house.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinky

Board Meeting Minutes for July 25th 2007
Lion President Shelia Ferrentino convened the meeting at 7:10 PM.  Attending were Lions Paul Bassette, Norm Hahn, Al Ackerman, Diane & Jerry Dubiel, and Kathie Norris.
 It was noted that our Club's Peace Poster Kit has been ordered.
 Lion Paul discussed the following:
    1.    He read a thank you letter from Roz Butler, expressing her appreciation for the invitation to our Couples' Picnic in July.
   2.    Outcome of balloting regarding proposed changes to our Constitution:
             All three proposed changes [dues, Membership Chair duties, and E-mail notification] passed.
 Lion Paul gave the results to Lion Kathie, for Constitution modification.
 3.    He read from Roberts Rules of Order that section relevant to what constitutes a quorum. Following is a summary:
    "In Congress:  a majority of members in each House.
    In general: a majority of those attending a meeting.
    Voluntary societies need to establish a minimum number for attendance, to achieve the objectives of the organization." Discussion followed; with a general consensus that a quorum should be the largest number we can reasonably expect to attend a meeting. Lion Paul recommended amending Article XI of our Constitution to reflect having 2/3 of members in good standing, at a regular or specially called meeting. This can be left to the discretion of the President. This matter was tabled to the next Board meeting, as an insufficient number of members were present to vote.
 4.    Lion Paul volunteered to handle the Blood Drive for our club.
Lion Al reported on the Special Children's Picnic:
     Expenses to date total $1870.91.   Lion Mike Steinagel was not present for his report.  Lion Shelia will call Lion Mike to arrange a wrap-up meeting.
 Lion Shelia discussed the following:
     1.    She will ask Lion Dave Chevinsky for an updated membership list, and Lion Donna LaVallee for an updated Telephone Committee List.
    2.    White Cane Sale:  She recommended that the Telephone Committee make advance calls to notify members that Lion Dick Planavsky will be calling to schedule designated times for collection.
             She suggested contacting the Tops Manager, and possibly the managers of Tim Horton's, Wendy's, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut, to ask if each customer can be asked by the cashiers at the point-of-purchase to donate $1.00 to the White Cane Sale.  After discussion, it was decided she would do so in preparation for next year's White Cane Sale.
     3.    Hot Dog Sale 7/31/07:  She recommended that the Telephone Committee should call members to remind them of the date, and ask for volunteers. 
 Lion Shelia will contact Lions Dick Planavsky, Dave and Donna regarding the above.
     4.    Merritton Parade 9/3/07:  She recommended that the Telephone Committee call to remind members of the date, and to request their participation. 
 Lion Shelia will ask Lion Fred Ruocco to verify the date with Merritton.
  5.    Lion Shelia will assign to each Vice President oversight responsibility for various committees.
 Lion Diane discussed the following:
     1.    As Region 2/Zone 1 Chair, she advised that Region Chair Lion Joe Biondo requests a monthly report from Corresponding Secretary Lion Kathie.
     2.    Lion Diane will arrange a meeting with Lion Joe and Zone 2 Chair Lion Jennifer Butkowski, to discuss planning for our Clubs' participation in District 20N activities this coming year.  Lion Diane will advise Lion Shelia of the date and time of this meeting.
     3.    Lion Diane asked Lion Shelia if Lion Paul would continue to serve as District 20N Liaison for our club.  Lion Shelia will ask him.  [If he should decline, Lion Diane volunteered to serve in this capacity.]
    4.     Lion Diane reported that District Governor Lion Ken Butkowski would be our guest at our November 28, 2007 meeting.
 Lion Norm reported the following:
     1.  Couples' Picnic expenses totaled $395.41.  The club absorbed $39.00, 
  Lion Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting; Lion Norm seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM.
        The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at Lion Dick Crawford's house, at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Diane Dubiel

Board Meeting Minutes for August 22nd, 2007

Members present were Lions Bassette, Fahning, Ferrentino, Norris, Crawford, MacNeil, Chervinsky, Lobl and Planavsky. Lion Dick Crawford Hosted the Meeting at his home.
-There was a discussion about changing how a quorum it determined. The issue was again deferred because only seven board members were present.
-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino read the note that Lion Mike Steinagel wrote thanking Lions, community members and organizations for their help with the Kids Picnic.
-The need for a budget meeting was discussed and Lion Dick Crawford will schedule this with the budget committee. Committee members are Lions Fahning, Ferrentino, Dubiel D, Ackerman, Planavsky, and Crawford. Lion Paul Bassette asked the budget committee to report on funding in place for subsidizing the Widows dinners at various functions.
-Lion President Ferrentino announced there will be a leadership training meeting this Sunday for any Lion that would be interested in attending.
-Lion secretary Kathie Norris reported that nineteen badges (for the Eagle Scouts) and four plaques (for the Launch Club, G.I. Fire Company, The Shriners, and Kelly’s Store) were ordered. Recognizing the boat captains was discussed but it was decided plaques were given in years past and a certificate of thanks would be looked into. Cost of the plaques was noted to be $25 each.
-Lion Crawford and the board set the date for the Spaghetti Dinner for April 14th 2008.
-Lion Ferrentino noted that the Merritton Labor Day Parade would be on September 3rd. Lions interested in car pooling should be at the Blockbuster parking lot by 8:15AM.
-Lion Ferrentino reported that the club has not heard back from Labor Union Local 91 regarding our request for a donation. It was suggested that a copy of the letter dated June 25th 2007 be sent to Lion Mike Kelly for follow up.
Committee Reports:
-Lion Anne Fahning agreed to continue as Public relations Chairman.
-Lion Henry Lobl agreed to be Program Director for the fist six months of the year. Speakers were discussed and it was suggested that members of our Club may want to speak on their careers or special interests. Lion Dave Chervinsky will put a note in the Newsletter asking for Volunteers.
-Lion Bassette discussed the need for new members and for new community programs to attract members. Lion Fahning suggested a brochure specifically for prospective new members.
-Lion Norris reported that our Club took in $1200 so far in the name of Bruce Kaiser. The board discussed combining it with the Adrian Pollack Scholarship Fund and renaming it the Adrian Pollack/Bruce Kaiser Scholarship Fund. Lion Bassette suggested we might want to consider giving additional scholarships. This was deferred until the Budget and scholarship Committees meet and report.
-A web site was discussed for the club. Lion Chervinsky agreed to check with Isle de Grande about this.
-A motion was made and passed to adjourn at 8:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for September 12th 2007

-Lions present for the meeting: Planavsky, Rusert, Hahn, Fahning, Chervinsky, Dubiel J, Dubiel D, Lavallee, Crawford, Lobl, Ackerman, Ferrentino, Norris, and Ruocco.
-Lion Ferrentino requested we hold one or more board meetings at 6:30 on Monday mornings to accomadate Lion Mike Steinagel's schedule. The issue was discussed and passed, with the first board meeting at this time slot scheduled for October 1st.
-Lion Crawford reported that the bank considers us a corporate entity and that two lions need to sign every check and there needs to be six lions on the signature card. It was decided that these would be Lions Ackerman, Crawford and the club president and vice presidents.
- The club discussed having the Christmas Party at the Holiday Inn this year. Lion President Ferrentino will talk to Lion Floyd Doring about the location of the party, which is scheduled for December 12th.
-Lion Al Ackerman announced he is being treated for Prostate Cancer. Lion Ferrentino suggested an assistant treasurer may be needed on some occasions and Lion Crawford agreed to fill in if needed.
-Programs were discussed briefly. It was announced that the DG would be at our November 28th meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35PM.

Respectfully submitted, 
Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting for October 1st 2007

-Members present were: Dubiel J, Dubiel D, Rusert, Ferrentino, Lobl, Norris, Crawford, Steinagel, Hahn, and Chervinsky.
-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino announced that Lion Al Ackerman was receiving treatment for his prostate cancer and unable to attend the meeting.
-Lion Assistant Treasurer Dick Crawford reported from the Budget Meeting that we should be able to fund everything in the Welfare Budget this year.
-Lion Ferrentino reminded the Board that the Bon-Ton Fundraiser is scheduled for November 10th.
-Lion Second Vice president Mike Steinagel thanked the Board for meeting at 6:30AM to accommodate his travel schedule and pointed out he does not want to be the focus of this change and the Board should do what is best for the club.  It was pointed out to the Board that the current  LCI Governors Motto for this year is “Challenge to Change” and it was decided that the morning meetings will be the Boards challenge to keep all members involved. In order to achieve that goal the Board decided to alternate morning Board Meetings with the regular schedule. The next Board meeting would be November 27th after the scheduled General Meeting and the next morning meeting would be December 3rd at 6:30AM.
-Lion Steinagel brought in a thank you poster from the Catalacian Center for inviting them to the “Special kids Picnic”.
-Lion Steinagel turned over the plaques he had made recognizing the help received for the Kids Picnic. The four plaques are for the Shriners, the Grand Island Fire Department, The Launch Club, and Kelley’s Country Store. The Club will present them at future meetings.
-Lion Steinagel gave the Board a bound Handbook outlining every aspect for running the Kids Picnic in the future.
-The Board asked Lion Membership Chairman Tom Rusert to contact the 13 delinquent lions about paying their dues.
-Lion Recording Secretary and Publication Editor Dave Chervinsky asked the Board to look at our Web site ( and give him suggestions on how to improve it.
-Lion Crawford mentioned that the Rotary invited the two Town Supervisor Candidates to speak at their functions and asked the board if it wanted to do something similar. It was agreed we would not have enough time to set something up and that our programs for General Meetings are already in place.
-Lion First Vice President Diane Dubiel reported that there will be eight clubs represented at the October 10th joint Club/Cabinet Meeting.
-Lion Corresponding Secretary Kathie Norris reported that she is revising the Club Constitution to reflect the recent changes that were voted into it.
-The meeting was adjourned at 7:35AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for November 14th 2007

-Attending the board meeting were Lions: Rusert, Dubiel D, Dubiel J, Ferrentino, Ackerman, Norris, Planavasky, Chervinsky, Fahning, Lobl, Bois-Lobl, Hahn, Witkowski, Lavallee and Bassette.
-The UNYTS Blood Drive was discussed. It was pointed out that UNYTS would do most of the work. Our Club would need to provide 3-5 volunteers for the day in addition to signage and advertising. The Board voted to go forward with the drive. The next steps would be to find a location and set a date. More will be discussed at the next meeting.
-Lion Paul Bassette discussed the Scholarship name change and amount of money coming out of the scholarship fund on an annual basis for scholarships. The committee recommended changing the name to the "Grand Island Lions Club Adrian Pollack and Bruce Kaiser Student Service Scholarship" and to contribute $200 from the fund to supplement the $2000 needed for the annual scholarships. After discussion, the board recommended we have two scholarship funds, one in the name of Adrian Pollack and one in the name of Bruce Kaiser. One hundred dollars would be taken from each account to help fund the total of $2000 needed for the annual scholarships. The board passed this.
Also passed was the name to be used for submission to school districts. It would be the Grand Island Lions Club Adrian Pollack and Bruce Kaiser Student Service Scholarships.
-Dave Pelosi was voted in to our club by the board. Tentative induction date was set as November 28th. Lion Bassette agreed to perform the induction.
-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino set the next board meeting for December 3rd at 6:30AM. She announced Lion Mike Steinagel would not be able to attend and because of his schedule would have minimum activity with the club.
-Lion Tom Rusert asked if the General Membership would be able to see the Budgets. The board (and Budget Committee) agreed to post the annual budgets on the web site ( Lion Dick Planavsky pointed out that a budget needs to show the carryover from the previous year in order for it to balance.
-Lion Ferrentino asked about the web site. She suggested posting loan closet contents on the web site with the ability of Lions to "check out" items on the site. Lion Dave Chervinsky reported difficulty making it interactive with blogs and spreadsheets. He will check with GEICOM.Net on this. Discussion followed as to the best way to inventory the Loan Closet. Lion Chervinsky suggested posting the inventory inside the Loan Closet door with a sign in and sign out section. Lion Ferrentino volunteered to do the inventory.
-The Meeting was adjourned at 10:15PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for December 3rd 2007

 -Present for the meeting were Lions: Ferrentino, Norris, Fahning, Dubiel D, Dubiel G, Lobl H, Crawford, Chervinsky, Ackerman, Rusert, and Hahn.
-Budget: Lion Dick Crawford reported that the Welfare Budget is complete and the budget Committee is working on the General Fund Budget. Both will be posted on our web site. He also is working to get an audit done as we have not had this in at least three years. Lion Al Ackerman pointed out we are taking 10% out of fundraising to cover expenses in the General fund.
-The presentation of the plaques was discussed. It was decided we will present them at the spaghetti dinner and we will need another plaque for the Holiday Inn.
-Lion Tom Rusert announced that his Son, Thomas Rusert, and Dr. Bill Wind, the Son of Lion Bill Wind, would join our club. There would be a short Board Meeting on January 9th. To vote on this and induction would follow at the General Meeting. Dave Pelosi would also be inducted on this date.
-Lion Henry Lobl reported that he is negotiating with creditors to reduce the bill owed by the Mondoux Family for medical expenses.
-Lion Lobl will arrange for a speaker to discuss the “Mortgage and Credit Crisis” for the January 23rd meeting.
-Victoria Dent the director of Community Outreach and Lisa __ Volunteer coordinator of UNYTS spoke to us about having a blood drive. The board is looking at St. Timothy’s for this. The board suggested Sunday February 10th or 17th as dates for this. Lion Al Ackerman will check with St Timothy’s to see if those dates are available. Lion Lobl pointed out that UNYTS cost of blood is 30% less than Red Cross and all blood would be used locally in Western New York. Donors can give whole blood every 56 days.
-Lion Anne Fahning volunteered to have the next morning Board meeting at her home.
-The meeting adjourned at 7:20AM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky   
